" Green For All ® " Licensing
Home & Community Builder Category
An Official 'Green For All' Home Builder is a leader in the new home builders industry, building homes that are Green certified construction. Environmental awareness and corporate solutions is what new home buyers are demanding and Home Builders are meeting the challenge by building low and high rise homes that meet or exceed the federal or provincial government's Home Energy Reduction program properties.
An Official 'Green For All' Home Builder is one that is providing inside and outside energy security. An Official 'Green For All' Home Builder will ensure that not only the homes it builds meet energy security standards but so will the communities it creates be part of the long-term green life corporate legacy.
Communities built by an Official 'Green For All' Home Builder will have a reputation for low energy street lighting, community recreational buildings that are energy efficient, home waste separation and recovery education programs, clean air monitoring, planting of trees and shrubs in open spaces and public areas, sustainable development education programs and information on new products and services that will upgrade existing energy, air quality, efficient water usage and bio-degradable and composting products and services.